This is Lynchburg, VA Fire Station 6, the oldest active station in town and the only one still utilizing a sliding pole.

(This series is part of my ongoing "grown-up field trips" project, which I've designed in order to put myself into as many unpredictable situations as possible. There are stories everywhere, and I want to practice telling them on the fly. My ultimate goal is to work as a White House photographer, and I'm following the 10,000 hours philosophy to make it happen. I cannot feasibly log that many hours of photographing heads of state right now, but the most appealing part of a White House job for me is the idea of being thrown into the unknown and being challenged to tell stories and capture details in real time. So *that* is what I'm pushing myself to do as often as I can. I love the adrenaline rush of documenting the unknown and unexpected. For me, it is fulfilling in a way nothing else is; it absolutely feels like what I was made to do on this earth.)